Hipólito Yrigoyen
Located 265km (3hs 32min) from the capital of Salta is Hipólito Yrigoyen, the youngest town in Salta. It was born in 1948 when the Provincial State obliged by law to the El Tabacal sugar mill to grant the land for the creation of the town.
You can visit El Tabacal, a nearby town where the most important sugar mill in the region is located. The patron saint festivities are dedicated to the Virgin of the Assumption and are held in August.
It belongs to the Bermejo region, with a subtropical climate and large rivers. It is included in the Yungas Biosphere Reserve. It has a municipal camping site "La Loma" with parking, showers and toilets, swimming pool, grills and barbecues, sports and recreation, cafeteria, lounge and terrace for events, stage, dance floor and space for camping.
You can get the original handicrafts typical of the Guarani community that inhabits this area.
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