Las Conchas Gorge

Ruta Nac. Nº 68

It extends from the town of La Punilla, 18 km after leaving Cafayate, to Alemania, in a route of approximately 83 km along National Route 68.

The colors of the hills give rise to all kinds of interpretations about their origin. The red color, very common in the Cretaceous and Tertiary formations of the NOA, responds in general to the dyeing of ferric oxide, since they are rocks that have formed in oxidizing continental environments.

Green is given by iron in the ferrous state and is generally the result of sediments deposited below the water level, in seas or lakes. This same color corresponds to the presence of chlorite. The gray colors are due to the content of carbonaceous organic matter in the rocks, when they are of sedimentary origin. When exposed, they take on a yellowish color due to alteration, this occurs with the Yacoraite formation.

Los Medanos

The area where the dune field is located is located between Cafayate and the junction of the Santa María and Calchaquí rivers. The accumulations of sand, according to Ricardo Alonso, reach 15 meters in height and the dune field covers an area of ​​about 20 km2. It is made up of three sectors that are shaped like lobes; They point and advance from the Northeast to the Southwest in the direction of Cafayate. The sand that integrates these dunes is of fine to medium grains, formed by quartz crystals and micas. Quartz grains are not fully rounded and polished while micas are black and white. This type of soil is extremely important when describing the characteristics of Cafayate wines, since its permeability influences the low water retention and consequent concentration of sugars in the grapes. At the same time, the richness of mica, which is one of the minerals that make up granite, causes the sun's rays to reflect on the ground, providing heat, not only from above, but also from below, thus contributing to accentuate sugars in the vineyards. The result of this is very sweet grapes, which are later turned into very strong wines with a high percentage of alcohol. When crossing the Santa María River, there is a change in the color of the soil and also in the climate. This river comes from the province of Catamarca and joins the Calchaquí River, which rises to the north, in the Nevado de Acay, at an approximate height of 5950 meters above sea level, and which runs through the valley of the same name. From this union originates the Río de las Conchas, also known as Río Guachipas. 

Los Castillos

In the castles, one of its towers, known as El Titanic, located a few meters from kilometer 19 of National Route No. 68, collapsed. The collapse occurred due to the deep cracks that extended along its structure. Park ranger Gonzalo Cristofani explained that "there are several factors that influenced the deterioration of these natural structures, including wind (wind erosion), heavy rains, erosion caused by the Las Conchas river and recent telluric movements." It should be noted that it is the Quebrada de las Conchas Protected Area, which is a natural corridor that links the capital of Salta with the Calchaquíes Valleys and the Andean region. It is one of the main tourist destinations in Salta, as it registers an influx of 27% of the total number of tourists arriving in the province.

El Obelisco

Relief of soft rocks sculpted in red rocks deposited in that place at the beginning of the Tertiary era.

La Yesera

It is one of the most colorful points of the excursion, since the calcareous rock of the place presents a great variety of minerals. A gypsum processing plant operated there for years, hence the name La Yesera. Today it is a protected environment, so this mineral is not extracted.

El Sapo

Within innumerable forms that the mountain presents, in this tour also stands out "El Sapo", a rock that the erosion of the wind and rain were in charge of molding and giving it the shape of a toad.

El zorrito

The people of Cafayat have, in addition to their traditions, the characteristic of being meteorologists. Looking at El Zorrito you can tell if it's going to be hot or cold, if it's going to rain or if it's going to be windy Zonda. They maintain that if the hill has a cloud hat above its summit, it is going to rain; On the other hand, if the clouds are settled on the summit and El Zorrito “has a scarf”, it will surely be cold; if it shines in all its blue splendor, with no clouds in sight, you will enjoy a warm day, but depending on the hue and brightness of the blue, you will have to prepare for the wind.

El Anfiteatro

In the last half million years there have been five glacial periods. When these glaciers melted, they formed enormous waterfalls that eroded the rocks, forming two magnificent holes: one is the Amphitheater and the other is the Devil's Throat. The concavity of its tubular shape allows almost perfect acoustics, where it is not necessary to amplify the sound since its walls work, as its name says, a natural "amphitheater".

La Garganta del Diablo

Deep and closed canyon, whose end looks like a kind of trachea that encourages you to climb. This curious formation receives its name from its striated and oblique shape, as well as from its coloration.