Santa Victoria Este


It is located northeast of the Bermejo region, 516.6 km (8hs 21 min) from Salta, in a particularly dry area of the Central Chaco.

In the rural areas there are Wichis, Chorotes, Qoms, Chulupíes and Quechuas indigenous ethnic groups. It is located on the banks of the Pilcomayo River, very close to the Esmeralda Landmark, a tripartite point between Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia. This river serves as a natural border between Argentina and Paraguay until it flows into the Paraguay River and is an important spawning and feeding ground for fish such as sábalos, pacúes, dorados, surubíes, and bogas.

In October, the patronal feast is held in honor of the Virgen de las Victorias and in July, in the Rancho El Ñato place, the "Trichaco" solidarity festival is organized by the Chaqueño Palavecino, an outstanding national folklorist, which summons renowned artists and lasts for several days. In May, the Native Culture Festival is held, organized by the singer-songwriter Jorge Rojas, being a solidarity and integration meeting, whose purpose is to contribute to the welfare of the local people.
